Quelques infos sur ce monnayeur, merci à Seb59 pour le récapitulatif de cette documentation.
Service manual programmation Cashflow 330
Un extrait de la doc pour reprogrammer ce monnayeur :
How do I inhibit an individual coin. ?
1) Cycle power to the acceptor.
2) Adjust the switch positions on the 4 bit DIL switch as follows:
3) Press the reject lever within a 4 minute time out period.
4) Insert coins to be inhibited until they are accepted.
5) Press the reject lever to return to operational mode.
6) Remove power.
7) Return all switches to the off position..
8 ) Restore power to the acceptor.How do I enable an individual coin. ?
1) Cycle power to the acceptor.
2) Adjust the switch positions on the 4 bit DIL switch as follows:
3) Press the reject lever within a 4 minute time out period.
4) Insert coins to be enabled until they are accepted.
5) Press the reject lever to return to operational mode.
6) Remove power.
7) Return all switches to the off position..
8 ) Restore power to the acceptor.
Je viens de tester cette manipulation avec succès, il suffit de suivre les instructions et la nouvelle pièce ou jeton sera dorénavant accepté.
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